Whilst tacking upwind, the Tactic display converts heading into wind direction. It does this by adding half the tack angle to the starboard display and subtracting half the tack angle from the port display.
Upwind: I set the upper display to Tactic so I only need to remember the wind direction - one number, the same on starboard and port tacks. This allows me to work without complicated calculations and the simplicity really helps in the event of a course change following a permanent wind shift. The gain or loss due to a wind shift can be significant, for example 5° on a 300m leg takes me 30m further to windward if I’m on the lifted vs headed tack.
Downwind: The compass display allows me to know if I’m on the most direct route to the downwind mark. My focus moves from the wind direction (upper line) to the compass (lower line) when I pass the top mark which means I sail the entire race without having to press any buttons.
Prestart: To setup the Sailteck I first enter the tack angle which for the Finn is in the range 76° to 80° and I typically use 78°. The tack angle varies with the wind, the waves and your unique way of sailing. The compass display is useful for checking the tack angle and locating the favorable side of a starting line. To check the wind, I either sail close hauled and read the Tactic display or luA head-to-wind and read the compass. The Sailteck countdown is really easy to use.
Overall: The readability of the numbers is excellent. The Sailteck and its battery have been 100% reliable.
Laurent Hay,2024 world champion Finn master